Sunday, June 9, 2013

Grilled zucchini with bacon and cheese

4-5 zucchini
200 gr bacon
200 gr cheese
young onions
olive oil
salt, pepper

Cut zucchini lengthwise to make about 20 pieces. Sprinkle with olive oil, salt and pepper. Preheat the grill or pan and bake about 5 minutes. It is advisable to grill, and until they get darker lines and then leave to cool. Cut bacon into thin slices, sprinkle each piece with salt and pepper and grill them until they are slightly crispy. On each zucchini slice arrange one slice of bacon, place cheese on top if desired. Sprinkle with chopped young onions and mint, or other seasonings of choice. Then roll them, stab with toothpicks and serve.

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