Monday, May 27, 2013

Grated courgette and goat’s cheese omelette

3 eggs, lightly beaten
1 small courgette, grated
salt and freshly ground black pepper
knob of butter
50g (13⁄4oz) soft goat’s cheese, crumbled
small handful of thyme leaves,
to garnish (optional)

Mix the beaten egg and grated courgette in a jug. Season with salt and a little pepper.
Melt the butter in a small non-stick frying pan over a medium-high heat until foaming, then pour in the egg mixture, swirling it around the pan to cover the base. Gently slide a knife under the edges of the omelette.
When the omelette is beginning to cook around the edges, scatter the goat’s cheese over the top, so that it is covered evenly. Continue cooking until the centre is almost cooked, but still just a little wet. Remove from the heat, and leave for a couple of minutes to set – the retained heat will continue to cook the omelette.
Sprinkle over a little pepper, and garnish with thyme leaves (if using). Carefully slide out of the pan, and serve immediately.

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