Monday, February 11, 2013

Black pancakes

For dough:
60 gr dark chocolate
2 tbsp butter
3 eggs
45 gr sugar
pinch of salt
1 1/3 cups milk
½ vanilla sugar
2 tbsp cocoa
150 gr flour

For the filling:
200 gr white chocolate
250 ml cream
50 gr powdered sugar
2 kiwi
a few strawberries or raspberries

Melt butter and chocolate on steam, stirring constantly, and when the chocolate has melted, remove from heat. In bigger bowl whip the eggs and add sugar, salt, milk, vanilla sugar, flour and cocoa. Whisk until a smooth, without lumps. Slowly pour the melted chocolate stirring constantly. Leave to rest for half an hour in the fridge and before baking leave it a bit at room temperature. Bake pancakes in greased and heated pan. Melt white chocolate and combine with whipped cream and powdered sugar. Fill pancakes, spread the fruit over and roll.

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