Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lamb with young potatoes

2 pounds lamb leg
1.5 lemon juice
salt, black pepper
4 cloves of garlic
1 kg new potatoes
75 ml olive oil

Remove excess fat from lamb leg, wash it and dry it. Rub the leg with lemon juice, put salt, pepper and rosemary.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Slice the garlic into thin sticks and make a few slots with knife in the meat in which you will put the garlic.
Peel the potatoes, wash them, cut them in half (or quarters if larger) and put them in the baking pan, along with lamb. Pour over the rest of lemon juice and season with pepper, salt and olive oil.
Place in the oven for an hour (180 degrees), in the meantime, pour gradually the lamb with hot water.
After an hour, turn the meat and potatoes and continue gradually to pour the hot water.
Ten minutes before the end add the chopped thyme and mint.
After two hours lamb and potatoes can be served with cooked vegetables (especially with green beans, peas or spinach).
Serves 5.

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